Siop Planning 3th Grade

10:38 a.m.

English Program - Planning Grid

Teacher: Susana Lucía Jiménez Corella Time Frame: 16 periods
Level: third Grade Unit:
Date: from March 6th to 17th, 2017 Topic: Review 2018
Content Objective: (What information/content will students learn by the end of the lesson)
· Students will be able to introducing themselves and saying their age,
Identifying school objects and activities, Identifying people who work at school, Identifying places at school, Identifying the days of the week,
Counting to twenty,
Reviewing clothing and colors
Language Objectives: (What language skills will students practice – include the four skills areas: R,W,L,S)
· Students will be able to follow instructions in the L2 to prepare all preliminary tasks in the their copybooks
Key Vocabulary: (What words should students be introduced to during the lesson? What word should students master by the end of the lesson?)
Good morning; How are you?; I’m fine; thank you; you’re welcome; What’s your name?; My name is __; Copybook, ruler, glue, scissors, color pencils, pencil, eraser, board, sharpener, marker, paper, office, classroom, library, computer room, playground, restroom (bathroom), school bus, principal, secretary, teacher, janitor, bus driver, student, draw, read, write, count, play games (on the computer), days of the week, number 1-20
Materials / Resources: (what materials and resources do you need to make available to help students reach the planned objectives?
School supplies
Higher Order Questions: (What HOTS will students use during this lesson?)
How you do say ______ in English? Can you see Jose? Are they happy to be back at school,
What´s your name, What´s his/her name? What´s Aron wearing? What color is? What color are?
What do I have in my back pack? What´s this? What are these? Who is he/she? Is she the teacher? Where is the principal, secretary? Are you the secretary/janitor? What´s she/ he doing? Where can we play with the computer? What do we do on Monday/Tueday/Wed? What do you do on Thrusday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday?What’s this
Warm Up (s)/Ice-Breaker (s) (What songs, games, or activities, that are relevant to the unit, will warm –up the students for that day’s activities? Can be a review activity from a prior day)
· Sing the Wheels on the bus
· Game-Welcome back to school
· Sing is a busy day at School
· Game-I spy with my little eye
· Famous self portraits
Instructional Activities: Check (√) the ones to be used
Building Background: Differentiation Strategies
___ Tiered assignments ___ Flexible grouping
___ Learning centers ___ Curriculum compacting
___ Varying questions ___ Independent Projects
___ Brain Compatible Instruction
___ Learning Styles
___ Cultural Contexts
Teaching Strategies
___ Scaffolded Questioning
___ Independent reading/
___ Reading in groups or pairs
___ Interpretation of Graphics
(maps, graphs, cartoons, tables)
___ Cooperative Learning ___ Think-Pair-Share
___ Gallery Walk
___ Turn-N-Talks
___ Roundtable
___ Jigsaw
___ Pairs Check/Review
___ Independent/Group Project
___ Integration of Technology
___ Print alternatives, i.e., E-text
___ Use of Audio Clip/Music
___ Interactive Student Notebook®
___ Formal Writing ___ Informal Writing
___ Graphic/Visual Organizers
___ Modeling/Demonstration
___ Think Aloud ___ Reciprocal Teaching
___ Group Activities
___ Simulation
___ Wait time
___ Different purposes for
___ Cross-Curricular Connections
v Links to experience Poster and Flash cards
v Links to learning known objects
Lesson Delivery: (Main focus of the class)
ü Responding to WH questions to elicit vocabulary and concepts already given a year before
ü Participate randomly in different dynamics and games to remember concepts and easy commands used in class
ü Do everyday repetition of the Flag Oath and the students’ commitment.
ü Do everyday listening of the audios of VISION & MISSION of the school
ü Practice loudly the monthly song “Show me your ways”
ü Follow with 80% of accuracy all instructions in the second language to prepare the preliminary tasks for 2017 in their copybooks
ü Cut and paste correctly illustrations in the copybook
ü Discussing in pairs about the meaning of HONESTY
ü Color correctly pictures given in the handout
ü Share their opinion of the class in an emotional roller coaster.
Formative Assessment(s): (Can I move on? Who needs remediation? Grouping strategies/who can work together to support learning?)
· Questions & Answers
Suggested Assessments:
___ Collect and Grade
___ Check for Completion
___ In-Class Check
___ Rubric
___ Checklist
___ Peer/Self-Assessment
___ Journal/Learning Log
___ Portfolio
___ Numerical Scale
___ Analytic Scale
___ Holistic Scale
___ Pre-test
___ Constructed Response
___ Quiz
___ Test
___ Presentation
___ Performance Assessment
___ Informal Assessments
___ Ticket Out (after review of the objectives, end of day)
___ Guided observation
___ Teacher mental/physical checklist during group activities (teacher’s observation while students’ are working)
Summative Assessment(s): (Final test, grade, decision based on multiple assessments)
· Copybook preparation
Out of Class Assignment (homework): Bring material to work in the Holy Week Mural
Teacher Reflection: (Reflect about lesson presented.)
Instructional Expectations Checklist:
q Target language is used by instructor
q Students’ background knowledge is activated
q Learning is framed
q Students demonstrate understanding of tasks/language
q Manipulatives/ learning styles are considered
q Formative assessments/ immediate feedback are used
q Productive use of target language by students (speaking, writing, group activities)
q Demonstration of receptive skills in target language by students (listening/reading)
q Use of differentiated strategies
q Wrap up objectives of class

Escuela: ¡El Nombre de la Escuela!
TOPIC: Preliminary Tasks 2018
CRITERIA Score (20) Points obtained
1. Brought supplies & handout 2
2. Illustrated and colored correctly according to instructions 3
3. Remarked weather words well 5
4. Made attempts to speak in many occasions 5
5. Remembered successfully commands and concepts in the L2 5

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